Admission Procedure

Collection of application Forms (No Quota)

  1. Download application form from our website; or
  2. Obtain from school in person
  3. Request for sending the application form by post
  4. Through online Registration System


Collection of Application forms

►Period: Starting on 1st September, 2024

►Time: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon


Return of Application Forms

►Period: Now to 1st  November, 2024;

►Time: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon


Return the Application Form in person or by post to

The Registry, 1/F., R. P., Kornhill Plaza N., 1 Kornhill Rd., H. K.


Documents Required

  1. Copy of the Birth Certificate
  2. Copy of Vaccination Card
  3. 1 Passport Photo (2” x 1”1/2)
  4. 1 Addressed Envelope (with $2.2 stamp)
  5. Application Fee$40 in cash / cheque  – payable to "Kornhill Christian Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten”


Admission Criteria

  1. We will interview for all the applicants
  2. Interviews will be conducted on Saturday, 2 November, 2024
  3. Please bring along your Interview Slip when interview
  4. Individual interview will be arranged
  5. Parents should accompany your child together for interview
  6. (For non-Chinese speaking families) Preferably you are accompanied by a Chinese speaking person and in case of difficulty in arranging it, please contact 2885 5836 or email for any enquiry.


Interview Criteria

~Priority of Consideration will be given to:

  • Applicant with silbing(s) currently studying in KCACKG;
  • Applicant with silbing(s) or parents graduated from KCACKG;
  • Applicant whose parent(s) is/are member or staff of KCACKG;
  • Applicant who resides near to the KCACKG;
  • Others, such as the applicant from families in need will be given due priority consideration when applying for whole day classes
  • As the number of school places is limited, please understand that not all applicants fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.)

​~Interview performance will be based on the performance of applicants on the day of interview.


Announcement Result

We will inform parents of the K1 admission results on or before 31 December, 2024. Announcement of Admission Result by post and email.

*If parents cannot apply during the registration period for their child, we will arrange to have interview in person


Registration Arrangements

  1.  Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 2 to 6 January 2025 (Centralised Registration Dates) by submitting the Registration Certificate to our kindergarten and paying the registration fee.

  2. Applicants on the waiting list: Our kindergarten will inform parents by phone. Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by our kindergarten. Parents are required to submit the Registration Certificate to us and pay the registration fee.

  3. The registration fee for 2024/25 K1 A.M. Class is HK$970, and for Whole Day Class is HK$1,570. If the child concerned studies in our kindergarten, the registration fee paid will be refunded. Should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify to us in writing. We will return the Registration Certificate as soon as possible but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining the Registration Certificate, our kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.


Procedures of admission in person

  1. We will inform parents in May, 2025 for books, stationery and miscellaneous fees to be paid
  2. School uniforms to be purchased
  3. Collect the School Notices and Student card



  1. We will inform parents in July, 2024 to introduce our school Missions, Objective and Curriculum
  2. School bus service will be registered if applicable


Other information